Friday, December 19, 2008

The curse of Mcbeth?! o.O

Helloooo felow readers :D!

First of all, yes I'm blogging at 2 am.

Secondly, I will be going to Comic Fiesta Tomorrow(today)

Thirdly, I'm gonna get some soya to drink soon >.>

Fourthly, is there such word as 'fourthly'? <.<

One number before lastly, (heh I'm out of words xD) To anyone who's gonna cosplay tomorrow(today), well, go for it! :D

Dear Connie (KingKong),

Yes I'll be going London on Sunday at 2am o.O And I may or may not buy you chocolates :DDDD
If you're thinking about eating me as you are reading this, I'm saying that, I've been waiting for months man :p

To Megat,

Thanks for trying out Ragnarok Online :D Hope you have fun there ^-^ Finally I have some nearby friends to enjoy it with xD


Lastly, Who's the artist to this song? WEEEEEE

P.s: If you were wondering about the curse of mcbeth, tune in to Jimmy Neutron lol

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