Hey guys ^^
Loads has happened since my last post... <.<
Too lazy to update up till now XD haha
I've picked up rubik's cube! yay XD
My head hurts though trying to solve it xP
One layer left +.+
Wish me luck! :DDD
I've changed music class from 3C to Music Walk in Taipan. I'd like to thank my former teacher, Mr. Roy and Encik Angah(not his real name). I owe you guys loads! XD I woudn't have made it this far in my guitar if it weren't for you guys. I love your sound ^^ I'll put in everything that i've learned into my sound from now. =)
Now it's time to find a new victim. Mr Tang! Thou shalt show me your sound! 8D
Speaking with music, I have another project. :P
Pathetique, 2nd Movement, Ludwig Van Beethoven.
Click it. it's awesome +.+
I wanna transcribe those piano notes into guitar notes. XD
Think it's hard for all you piano players out there? o.o
Imma need me teachers to help me with this :O
I've also arranged the song Starlight-Muse to classical guitar music. Fully instrumental, without vocals, cause my vocal sucks XD haha. Hope ya'll like it ^^
Well anyways, for 2 seroja-ians out there :P
Enjoy the new radio! ^^
Remember to thank those guys that kept pushing me to renew the songs XD haha
Kudos to them :D
Happy fasting to all the muslims out there ^^
I'm getting bored; if there's any guitar competition out there, please tell me XD
I wanna enter T-T
Not satisfied with the last one. XD REVENGE! 8D
Oh, btw
Since i know you guys'll be too lazy to click it, here it is :DDD
Enjoy, and tell me what you think of the song. XD
Am I worthy to transcribe that song? X_x
Advice and response, fully appreaciated ^^
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
hey guys ^^ I'm back from the competition :DDD
Went pretty well at first! That was before I met the other contestants... <.<
Nevertheless, I screwed up the first song! yay! ><
But thank god Cavatina was able to back me up xDD
But sadly, I didn't make it into the finals... ._. awww xDD
well, nothing much to blog about; see yah~
Went pretty well at first! That was before I met the other contestants... <.<
Nevertheless, I screwed up the first song! yay! ><
But thank god Cavatina was able to back me up xDD
But sadly, I didn't make it into the finals... ._. awww xDD
well, nothing much to blog about; see yah~
Friday, June 26, 2009
hey guys!
Hey guys! Haven't blogged here since... Nah , the days are uncountable :p
Or... I'm just too lazy to count. <.< Go figure :DDD
Here blogging to you guys, at 11:33 am of 26th June 2009. Here, I am very nervous. Here, I'm freaking out. Here, I'm banging my head to the wall for reasons I'm not quite sure.
My god. xDDD
Time sure flies eh? o.o
"eh?" alex? :PPPPP
Well, wish me luck guys! xD
Hope to see ya there!
Hope I do well as well. <.<
Or... I'm just too lazy to count. <.< Go figure :DDD
Here blogging to you guys, at 11:33 am of 26th June 2009. Here, I am very nervous. Here, I'm freaking out. Here, I'm banging my head to the wall for reasons I'm not quite sure.
My god. xDDD
Time sure flies eh? o.o
"eh?" alex? :PPPPP
Well, wish me luck guys! xD
Hope to see ya there!
Hope I do well as well. <.<
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
100 truths! :O
wow, I'm not allowed to lie here. xD
I hate juuu megat xDD
Well, here it is:
Tagged by Megat:
001. Real Name: Muhammad Akmal Nazarudin
002. Nickname(s): Demo! :D
003. Age: 13 still... <.<
004. Horoscope: Scorpio
005. Gender: Male
006. Elementary: Kinderland!
007. Primary School: Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Seri Selangor
008. Secondary School: SMK USJ 4
009. College: Hoping somewhere in Europe xD
010. Hair Color: black
011. Hair Length: Normal, perhaps? o.o
012. Loud or Quiet: Depends
013. Sweats or Jeans: What the heck are sweats? :P
014. Phone or Camera: Phone !
015. Health Freak: Nah
016. Drink or Smoke: I DRINK! milo :D
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Not sure hahaa xD
018. Eat or Drink: Both of course :p
019. Piercings: My god xD
020. Tattoos: By jones o.o
021. Social or Anti-Social: Depends :p
022. Righty or lefty: Righty!
023. First piercing: Do i have to say that again? xD
024. First relationship: None
025. First Best Friend: Hilman, Khalil
026. First Award: Kindergarten! :D
027. First Kiss: Till I'm married perhaps? :P
028. First Pet: All died o.o *sob*
029. First Big Vacation: London~ :DDD
030. First Love at first sight: :P
031. First Big Birthday: First celebrated it at the age of 12 :O
032. First Surgery: Never had one.
033. First sport you joined: Sepak Takraw, I fail at it <.<
034. Orange or Apple juice: Neither! :D
035. Rock or Rap: Rock on dude!
036. Country or Screamo: Depends on the band xD
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Who the heck is NSYNC? o.O
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Neither, by jones o.o
039. Night or Day: Nighty-nite
040. Sun or Moon: Moon
041. TV or Internet: Both
042. Playstation or XboX: Playstation!
043. Kiss or hug: Hug
044. Iguana or turtle: Iguana cause you can go 'eeeeguana' when you see it xD
045. Spider or bee: Neither
046. Fall or spring: Fall! Autumn!
047. Limewire or iTunes: Dunno, never used them before xD
048. Soccer or baseball: Soccer
049. Eating: Foooooood~
050. Drinking: Cold Water
051. Excitement level: Amused~ :p
052. I'm about to: Practice for the competition xD
053. Listening to: A Town Called Hypocrisy - Lostprophets
054. Plan for today: Eat, Ro, Guitar, eat, Ro, sleep... eat :D
055. Waiting for: Guitar competiton... o.o
056. Energy Level: awesomeness in a box :D
057. Thinking of someone: Herman Li hahahahaha
058. Want kids: Depends whethere I get married or not xD
059. Want to get married: Sure, why not xD
060. When: When I'm legal perhaps? :O
061. How many kids do you want: No idea xD
062. Any name on the mind: Hmm... Demo :D
* 063 & 064 is missing *
065. Mellow future or wild: In the middle xD
066. Something you would never try: Drugs, smoke, alcohol, peanut o.o
067. Which is the better in the boy/girl you like(in the future): Doesn't care much about the exterior xD
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
069. Romantic or Funny: Both? :D
070. Shorter or Taller: Hmm, same height would be nice xD
071. Protective or Caring?: Caring
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous :P
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Arms
074. Sensitive or Loud: Adaptive :p
075. Hook-up or Relationship: Me don't getit :p
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: A bit hesitant.
077. Muscular or normal: Normal
078. Kissed a stranger: My god o.o
079. Broken a bone: Nope.
080. Lost glasses or contacts: I don't wear glasses xD
081. Ran away from home: Nope, cause then won't be able to eat xD
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nope.
083. Killed somebody: *speechless* :O
084. Broken some one's heart: How am I suppose to know? xD
085. Had your heart broken: A few times ^^
086. Been arrested: Nope. *good kid* xDDD
087. Cried when someone died: Yes
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: yeah <.<
089. Do you believe in Yourself: At times :D
090. Miracles: Woooooo
* 091 is missing *
092. Heaven: is what everyone's aiming for ^^
093. When do you want to die: When there is nothing more i can do.
094. Tooth Fairy: Never believe in em. Cause there's no money beneath my pillow :O lies xD
095. Kiss on the first date: Never went on a date yet <.<
096. Angels: Their watching over me now.
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Yeah =)
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now: Quite satisfied ^^
099. Do you believe in God: Yes
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people : Do i have to? :O
I tag...
1. Mimi
2. Connie
3. Inas
4. Miss Ivy :D
5. Seo
I hate juuu megat xDD
Well, here it is:
Tagged by Megat:
001. Real Name: Muhammad Akmal Nazarudin
002. Nickname(s): Demo! :D
003. Age: 13 still... <.<
004. Horoscope: Scorpio
005. Gender: Male
006. Elementary: Kinderland!
007. Primary School: Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Seri Selangor
008. Secondary School: SMK USJ 4
009. College: Hoping somewhere in Europe xD
010. Hair Color: black
011. Hair Length: Normal, perhaps? o.o
012. Loud or Quiet: Depends
013. Sweats or Jeans: What the heck are sweats? :P
014. Phone or Camera: Phone !
015. Health Freak: Nah
016. Drink or Smoke: I DRINK! milo :D
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Not sure hahaa xD
018. Eat or Drink: Both of course :p
019. Piercings: My god xD
020. Tattoos: By jones o.o
021. Social or Anti-Social: Depends :p
022. Righty or lefty: Righty!
023. First piercing: Do i have to say that again? xD
024. First relationship: None
025. First Best Friend: Hilman, Khalil
026. First Award: Kindergarten! :D
027. First Kiss: Till I'm married perhaps? :P
028. First Pet: All died o.o *sob*
029. First Big Vacation: London~ :DDD
030. First Love at first sight: :P
031. First Big Birthday: First celebrated it at the age of 12 :O
032. First Surgery: Never had one.
033. First sport you joined: Sepak Takraw, I fail at it <.<
034. Orange or Apple juice: Neither! :D
035. Rock or Rap: Rock on dude!
036. Country or Screamo: Depends on the band xD
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Who the heck is NSYNC? o.O
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Neither, by jones o.o
039. Night or Day: Nighty-nite
040. Sun or Moon: Moon
041. TV or Internet: Both
042. Playstation or XboX: Playstation!
043. Kiss or hug: Hug
044. Iguana or turtle: Iguana cause you can go 'eeeeguana' when you see it xD
045. Spider or bee: Neither
046. Fall or spring: Fall! Autumn!
047. Limewire or iTunes: Dunno, never used them before xD
048. Soccer or baseball: Soccer
049. Eating: Foooooood~
050. Drinking: Cold Water
051. Excitement level: Amused~ :p
052. I'm about to: Practice for the competition xD
053. Listening to: A Town Called Hypocrisy - Lostprophets
054. Plan for today: Eat, Ro, Guitar, eat, Ro, sleep... eat :D
055. Waiting for: Guitar competiton... o.o
056. Energy Level: awesomeness in a box :D
057. Thinking of someone: Herman Li hahahahaha
058. Want kids: Depends whethere I get married or not xD
059. Want to get married: Sure, why not xD
060. When: When I'm legal perhaps? :O
061. How many kids do you want: No idea xD
062. Any name on the mind: Hmm... Demo :D
* 063 & 064 is missing *
065. Mellow future or wild: In the middle xD
066. Something you would never try: Drugs, smoke, alcohol, peanut o.o
067. Which is the better in the boy/girl you like(in the future): Doesn't care much about the exterior xD
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
069. Romantic or Funny: Both? :D
070. Shorter or Taller: Hmm, same height would be nice xD
071. Protective or Caring?: Caring
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous :P
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Arms
074. Sensitive or Loud: Adaptive :p
075. Hook-up or Relationship: Me don't getit :p
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: A bit hesitant.
077. Muscular or normal: Normal
078. Kissed a stranger: My god o.o
079. Broken a bone: Nope.
080. Lost glasses or contacts: I don't wear glasses xD
081. Ran away from home: Nope, cause then won't be able to eat xD
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nope.
083. Killed somebody: *speechless* :O
084. Broken some one's heart: How am I suppose to know? xD
085. Had your heart broken: A few times ^^
086. Been arrested: Nope. *good kid* xDDD
087. Cried when someone died: Yes
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: yeah <.<
089. Do you believe in Yourself: At times :D
090. Miracles: Woooooo
* 091 is missing *
092. Heaven: is what everyone's aiming for ^^
093. When do you want to die: When there is nothing more i can do.
094. Tooth Fairy: Never believe in em. Cause there's no money beneath my pillow :O lies xD
095. Kiss on the first date: Never went on a date yet <.<
096. Angels: Their watching over me now.
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Yeah =)
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now: Quite satisfied ^^
099. Do you believe in God: Yes
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people : Do i have to? :O
I tag...
1. Mimi
2. Connie
3. Inas
4. Miss Ivy :D
5. Seo
Monday, May 25, 2009
A challenge to you guys 8D
Haha, recently I've gone to a site DURING exam... <.<
Shhhh xD
Don't tell me dad o.o
lol Here it ish

Free-IQTest.net - Free Online IQ Test
I dare ya :P
Shhhh xD
Don't tell me dad o.o
lol Here it ish

Free-IQTest.net - Free Online IQ Test
I dare ya :P
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Oh by jones o.O
OH BY JONES!!!!11eleven!!!exclamationmark!!!!! o.O
I didn't know that i would make it into the semifinals :OOO
Here's the website . And go to the 'Event' section. And that's the list of the semifinalist. :)
Firstly, I would like to thank God for giving me this opportunity and skills to be able to play in the semi-finals. Alhamdulillah.
Secondly, my parents, they helped a lot in the production and giving me motivation by telling me to practice everyday. Until I got bored of the song o.o
Thirdly, I would like to thank my music teacher, Mr. Fairuz and his friends, for helping me with the recording.
Lastly, I'd like to thank all my friends that supported me. It's gonna get tougher from here on out o.o
Semis will be in the morning, and the finals will be in the evening, ON THE SAME DAY O.o
Got to memorise 3 songs in 2 months o.O
And have to play it in front of a LIVE audience and judges...
If ya'll wanna buy tickets xD it's rm30 each. You guys can buy it from any Guitar Collection outlet. The nearest is at Sunway Pyramid I think. C'mon guys! buy em :DDDD
Oh, did I mention that Buffet lunch is included ;)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh~ Gawd I'm nervous
So much to do; so little time o.o
Anyways, Thanks for reading! xD Hope I get well soon =-)
I didn't know that i would make it into the semifinals :OOO
Here's the website . And go to the 'Event' section. And that's the list of the semifinalist. :)
Firstly, I would like to thank God for giving me this opportunity and skills to be able to play in the semi-finals. Alhamdulillah.
Secondly, my parents, they helped a lot in the production and giving me motivation by telling me to practice everyday. Until I got bored of the song o.o
Thirdly, I would like to thank my music teacher, Mr. Fairuz and his friends, for helping me with the recording.
Lastly, I'd like to thank all my friends that supported me. It's gonna get tougher from here on out o.o
Semis will be in the morning, and the finals will be in the evening, ON THE SAME DAY O.o
Got to memorise 3 songs in 2 months o.O
And have to play it in front of a LIVE audience and judges...
If ya'll wanna buy tickets xD it's rm30 each. You guys can buy it from any Guitar Collection outlet. The nearest is at Sunway Pyramid I think. C'mon guys! buy em :DDDD
Oh, did I mention that Buffet lunch is included ;)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh~ Gawd I'm nervous
So much to do; so little time o.o
Anyways, Thanks for reading! xD Hope I get well soon =-)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Canon Ball!!!
Music of the day : Canon in C guitar
Project of the month: Sons de Carilhoes
Yerp, been listening to Classical music for quite some time now :)
Haha, they excite me every time I hear them xD
Yeah, sorry I haven't updated much >.>
Been busy with the project :p
Yesh, I am now back. And this will no longer be in the 'Draft' box. :DDD
Gawd, I was freaking nervous when recording xDD
I had to introduce myself in front of a CAMERA!! :O Which is not one of my strongest abilities xD Made a few mistakes during the recording session, hopefully the so-called-'evaluators' won't notice it. *evil grin* But i do >< aww dang o.o
Well, no one's perfect eh? haha
Still waiting for the results till today :OO still freaking nervouse xDD and now i can't even spell the word 'nervous' right!!??11 /o.o\
Aww, what's next >< a hot-fever and a marathon-running nose?! :O
Well, the project ish done, and now a new project will take its place xDD
Cavatina_-_Stanley Myers
Yesh, it's a LOT harder than before :OO
Hope it'll be completed in a few weeks xD
Yesh, hope I'll make it to the Semifinals of the Competition. Wish me luck xD
Gotten sick, literally. Been having sore throat, runny nose :O and the hotness-of-the-forehead.
Yesh, I'm sick for those of you that haven't noticed xD
Well, thanks for reading and still coming to this site. Sorry that I haven't updated till today.
Haven't got anything interesting to write xD
Yesh, and if you've read thoroughly, i used the word 'yesh' quite a lot.
And if you had just went back up finding the word 'yesh', *claps*
You Sway... peace :O Till then *waves*
Project of the month: Sons de Carilhoes
Yerp, been listening to Classical music for quite some time now :)
Haha, they excite me every time I hear them xD
Yeah, sorry I haven't updated much >.>
Been busy with the project :p
Yesh, I am now back. And this will no longer be in the 'Draft' box. :DDD
Gawd, I was freaking nervous when recording xDD
I had to introduce myself in front of a CAMERA!! :O Which is not one of my strongest abilities xD Made a few mistakes during the recording session, hopefully the so-called-'evaluators' won't notice it. *evil grin* But i do >< aww dang o.o
Well, no one's perfect eh? haha
Still waiting for the results till today :OO still freaking nervouse xDD and now i can't even spell the word 'nervous' right!!??11 /o.o\
Aww, what's next >< a hot-fever and a marathon-running nose?! :O
Well, the project ish done, and now a new project will take its place xDD
Cavatina_-_Stanley Myers
Yesh, it's a LOT harder than before :OO
Hope it'll be completed in a few weeks xD
Yesh, hope I'll make it to the Semifinals of the Competition. Wish me luck xD
Gotten sick, literally. Been having sore throat, runny nose :O and the hotness-of-the-forehead.
Yesh, I'm sick for those of you that haven't noticed xD
Well, thanks for reading and still coming to this site. Sorry that I haven't updated till today.
Haven't got anything interesting to write xD
Yesh, and if you've read thoroughly, i used the word 'yesh' quite a lot.
And if you had just went back up finding the word 'yesh', *claps*
You Sway... peace :O Till then *waves*
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Meh :p
Yesh, meh. lol
First thing's first. :O I'm not really sure about being a prefect or not so I rejected them since Zharif and Lucas wanted them so bad ^^
Second thing, I'm not used to say no when a chance appears in my life xDDD. Because most of the time i say no, it turns out I've just turned down on something important... >.>
So, there ya go Zharif and Lucas! :D I know the prefects think that I'm stupid for turning them down, cause they said that I was one of the 'candidates' of becoming the Head Prefect when I'm in Form 5.
Haha what the heck. I can always go next year right? ^^ You'd better take your job seriously or I'll murder you!! lolololololololol
And besides, I'm more of a 'taking orders guy' rather then a 'giving orders guy' haha XDDD
Just wanted to feel a little freedom, little responsibilities while I'm still young ^-^
Without my 'Head Prefect' title, I have a thinner chances of going into University. But that's all in the future. ^^
We can't set the future, but we can predict the future.
To predict the future, we must learn from the mistakes we've made from the past and never repeat it.
There is no future without the present right? =)
This is the path I chose, the risk I'm willing to take, the challenges I must face to obtain the idolized future.
Nevertheless, thank you for trying so hard to make me become into a Prefect this year guys. I appreaciate it, cause I know you were only trying to help. =D
But keep in mind that, focusing solely on the future wont get you the future you want. The past and the present also play an important role in making your future a reality. Without those two, there will be no future.
Yes, I think I've talked too much xDDD
"Live life fun, you only get one of 'em" =)
First thing's first. :O I'm not really sure about being a prefect or not so I rejected them since Zharif and Lucas wanted them so bad ^^
Second thing, I'm not used to say no when a chance appears in my life xDDD. Because most of the time i say no, it turns out I've just turned down on something important... >.>
So, there ya go Zharif and Lucas! :D I know the prefects think that I'm stupid for turning them down, cause they said that I was one of the 'candidates' of becoming the Head Prefect when I'm in Form 5.
Haha what the heck. I can always go next year right? ^^ You'd better take your job seriously or I'll murder you!! lolololololololol
And besides, I'm more of a 'taking orders guy' rather then a 'giving orders guy' haha XDDD
Just wanted to feel a little freedom, little responsibilities while I'm still young ^-^
Without my 'Head Prefect' title, I have a thinner chances of going into University. But that's all in the future. ^^
We can't set the future, but we can predict the future.
To predict the future, we must learn from the mistakes we've made from the past and never repeat it.
There is no future without the present right? =)
This is the path I chose, the risk I'm willing to take, the challenges I must face to obtain the idolized future.
Nevertheless, thank you for trying so hard to make me become into a Prefect this year guys. I appreaciate it, cause I know you were only trying to help. =D
But keep in mind that, focusing solely on the future wont get you the future you want. The past and the present also play an important role in making your future a reality. Without those two, there will be no future.
Yes, I think I've talked too much xDDD
"Live life fun, you only get one of 'em" =)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A weeeeee~
Yes, the title can be pronounced in many ways.
1 : Aweeeeeee!!!
2: Auuuuweeeeee!!
3:A we?
4: aweeeeehh
5: Awiiii!
Yesh, I'll shut up now. xD
Finally I've made up my own song that my band mates like ^^
Here's the link : ClickIfYouDare:O
Yeah, nothing much to say but, take a look at the website please? And tell us what u think :D See ya~ =)
1 : Aweeeeeee!!!
2: Auuuuweeeeee!!
3:A we?
4: aweeeeehh
5: Awiiii!
Yesh, I'll shut up now. xD
Finally I've made up my own song that my band mates like ^^
Here's the link : ClickIfYouDare:O
Yeah, nothing much to say but, take a look at the website please? And tell us what u think :D See ya~ =)
Monday, February 2, 2009
I'm alive?! o.o
Yes i'm still alive lol Yeah, I know, I haven't blogged for months now :O
Alrighty, enough apologizing! More RANDOMNESS!!! 8D
What do I want to see this year:
1. Myself doing *evil grin* all the time :D
2. Asking angpau from my closest chinese friends :P
3. Yee Mei making her blog :O
4. Frequently using an emoticon at each sentence ^^
5. I'm out of emoticons >.>
6. Yes, seriously >.<
7. Lastly \^-^/
8. To Kong, T^T
9. I have the mood to blog right now, yay! =D
10. Time for some random quote! :)
11. "Loving what you practice, Practice what you love, soon you can do it without practice." ^_~
12. Okay, I'm done now. $.$
13. Glad that's over right? ;)
14. Buh-bye now! :DDDDDDD))))))
Alrighty, enough apologizing! More RANDOMNESS!!! 8D
What do I want to see this year:
1. Myself doing *evil grin* all the time :D
2. Asking angpau from my closest chinese friends :P
3. Yee Mei making her blog :O
4. Frequently using an emoticon at each sentence ^^
5. I'm out of emoticons >.>
6. Yes, seriously >.<
7. Lastly \^-^/
8. To Kong, T^T
9. I have the mood to blog right now, yay! =D
10. Time for some random quote! :)
11. "Loving what you practice, Practice what you love, soon you can do it without practice." ^_~
12. Okay, I'm done now. $.$
13. Glad that's over right? ;)
14. Buh-bye now! :DDDDDDD))))))
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